You've Got What It Takes!

  • October 29, 2024


You Can't Be What You Can't See!

I'm thrilled to be one of 15 female founders featured in the 'You've Got What It Takes' campaign.

Did you know just 15% of UK businesses are owned or led by women? This is the lowest figure since before the pandemic. 

And, according to the Rose Review, £250 billion could be unlocked for the UK economy if women started and scaled businesses at the same rate as men.

Two of the reasons Emmie Faust, Founder of Female Founders Rise partnered with Clare Benson-Geddes MD of agency YeahNice to create a highly visible campaign to try to change this.

‘You’ve Got What It Takes’ shines a light on the the challenges female founders face while highlighting the untapped potential they bring to the UK economy.

The campaign has ran on billboards across London and Birmingham.  But this is just the start... stay posted for more updates and follow Both Female Founders Rise and Yeah Nice for updates on the campaign.

Read more in Times article The Art of Inspiring A New Generation of Women to Start Businesses

Thanks for supporting!

Catherine Ann

PS Find more about what I'm up to here and on LinkedIn

#YouveGotWhatItTakes #FemaleFounders #FemaleFoundersRise #WomenOwnedBusinesses #WomenInBusiness 

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