doqit Blog

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Ten Year Passport Rule - don't get caught out!

Picture the scene… Milk cancelled ✅ Pets dropped off ✅ Car valet service worked a treat ✅ Calm excitment as you...

How one of The Mob is taking control of their pensions admin with doqit!

doqit is a game-changer for managing your pensions and life admin effectively. Learn how we can help you take control...

Should've Doq'ed it...

We regularly hear from users and friends, and friends who are users, of those 'Should've gone to specsavers' 'DOH'...

Do You Have Paperwork Panic?🤯

An article published earlier this year from research carried out bySimplyhealthhighlighted some worrying stats around...

A Purr-fect Use Case

It can sometimes be difficult to visualise what a world with optimised, under-control life admin might look like. How...

Pet Paperwork 🐶

As a pet parent, I know first-hand the endless headaches that come with staying on top of my furry family’s paperwork...

A glimpse into our investment journey

A few years back, I'm not sure whether it was at a lunch or drinks, I was introduced to 'an investor' 🎉 In fact, he...

Life admin afternoons at work? It's happening! 🤩

'It’s time the drudgery of ‘life admin’ was given some proper recognition' writes Rhymer Rigby in this morning's The...

The story of Doqit so far...

Hey there, I'm Catherine Ann, the founder of Doqit, and welcome to our blog!

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